Sunday, April 10, 2016

Endings And Beginnings

    Wow, my class is about to graduate eight grade! Only thirty five more days left not including weekends. Time flies doesn't it? I've been to two other schools before this one and each school  go to I imagine graduating there. I remember back in third grade I would tell my friends, "Guys, we are gonna graduate some day. You guys better not leave me!"  I left that school later on and went to a school which literally had like twenty kids in the whole entire grade. Once again I would think of the day I would graduate that school but it never happened. Anyway what I'm trying to say is that graduation is something that I have always thought about but I never thought that that day would be coming so soon.
     I'm proud to be graduating here at GMS and I would like to be remembered as... I guess the girl who helps people because that's what I do. If anyone texts me about homework or anything school related I try to respond right away. For example, recently there was this time where maybe 5-10 people texted me asking questions about an assignment and I spent maybe an hour explaining to everyone before I started my homework but I felt really good after helping those people. I've learned to think of others before myself. I would also probably be remembered as the number one procrastinator in our grade but I'm really trying to change that before high school. :)
     Speaking of high school...I'd like to be remembered there too. There are like thousands people in high school but who knows someone might remember me. I'd like to be remembered as the best badminton player on the high school badminton team, the best dancer on Indo-Pak and maybe the best violin player in orchestra. Yes, I have high hopes. Jk, it's not all about being the best it's about trying to do your best. I think what everyone wants to be remembered as is a kind person who did their best in everything they did.
This quotes says, "Every story has an end, but in life every end is a new beginning." This may be the end of eighth grade for us, but we have a new beginning in high school and let's make the best of it!

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