Sunday, May 8, 2016

Goodbye GMS

It was only three years ago that I came to golf as a sixth grader and now three years have past and I’m graduating eighth grade. I’m sure we can all say that our time here at Golf went by pretty quickly but along the way we made many memories that we will cherish forever.
I came into Golf with the most optimistic mindset… I won’t make any friends, I will fail all my classes, all my teacher will hate me and I won’t be able to open a locker. That last one was true for a while but thankfully the rest were not. I made a lot of great friends, I surprisingly didn’t fail any of my classes and lastly, I had the most amazing teachers a student could ever ask for.
I think something that separates Golf from all other schools are the teachers. To tell you the truth whenever my friends talked about their teachers I always brag about mine because they are the best of the best. At the end of our conversations about school my friends never leave without saying, “ Aneena, I wish I went to your school.” They wish they could come to Golf mainly because of the teachers here.
I can’t leave here without saying how greatly you teachers impacted my life. I’d first like to thank Ms. Steadman, Ms. Grossman and Ms. Nelson for a great year in 6th grade. You all made my first year here a great year with memories like reading Counting The Stars, dissecting owl pellets, learning that fuzzy wuzzy was a bear and that area equaled pie-r-squared, and going to Medieval Times. Then comes 7th grade where I met many more amazing teachers. I’d like to thank Mr. Gilman for introducing to me the show, “Twilight Zone”, Mr. Carris for being the coolest teacher ever, Mr. Carro for still making Math my favorite subject, Ms. Maldonado for answering all my emails that I would send you almost every single day and lastly Ms. Conejo. Thank you just for being yourself because you are the most optimistic person I have ever met in my life and you never failed to make me smile. After 7th grade came 8th.
My new english teacher would be Ms. Joyner. In 7th grade the only reason I wanted to be in her class was because I saw that she had a couch in her room but I soon found out that there was much more about her class than the couch. Thank you Ms. Joyner for being the funniest teacher out there and putting up with my amazing procrastination skills. Lastly I’d like to thank all my teachers that taught special classes. Ms. Bowering, Ms. Boyle, Ms. Goulde, Ms. Vojack, Ms. Brown and Ms. Fain. I may not have been the most athletic or artistic person but you all taught me skills that I will use in life. To all of my teachers I say thank for everything you have done for me.
As I mentioned I made a lot of great friends here and I could probably write an essay or two telling my friends how amazing they are. I learned to love others as I love myself and that was definitely not hard at this school because everyone was kind to me. Thank you class of 2016 for making these past few years very special.
All of you are great people and you will do great things in the future. If you have hopes for the future don’t let them go until you achieve it. In the future something that I want to do was become an oncologist and find a cure for cancer. Someone may or may not find one before me, but either way that’s what I hope to do and if I have to say a speech after finding a cure I won’t forget to mention Golf Middle School and how this school helped me to become who I was. I’d like to conclude with a quote from the one and only... Winnie the Pooh. “How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” I will miss GMS very much and it is very hard to say goodbye, but the reason is because this was such an amazing school with amazing people. I congratulate all the  Golf graduates of the class of 2016 and thank you all for giving me the best three years of my life.